Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson

Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson was born in Reykjavik in 1953. He is now professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Oslo. Emilsson has had painting as life-long hobby and passion. As a teenager he took courses in oil painting but is otherwise self-educated. He does not limit himself to a particular methodology, but there are recurrent themes. It is his sincere belief that a painting should have a recognizable spirit. As a philosopher, he has mainly focused on ancient Greek philosophy, especially the philosophy of Plotinus, on which he has published widely. Here are links to some of his publications:

   Plotinus on Sense-Perception    Plotinus on Intellect    Plotinus 
He has also been a prolific translator of ancient philosophy into Icelandic and a little into Norwegian and English, including works of Plato, the Pre-Socratics and Plotinus.
